Welcome! As many folks know, I love helping community members develop their coding careers.
Years ago, I started co-organizing events to reach out to community for the purpose. Eventually, we had a situation where we needed to support banking to managed money for these events. I was already running two users groups, and helping organize several “Saturday” events a year.
Rather than create a “SharePoint Saturday New Hampshire LLC”, it made sense to economize on scale, and create an entity to support the users groups and events that I’m already an organizer for… and so “Granite State Users Groups, LLC” was born.
More recently, I’ve taken on roles beyond treasurer for things like Granite State Code Camp 2018, and so it occurred to me that if we’re going to pay for a website, we might as well economize on scale again…. and so granitestateusersgroups.org now exists.
And while I’m at it, why not make it a blog site for community members that want to blog…. and I’ll conflate it with my own “The Granite State Hacker” blog to start.
So here we are. Welcome!
I’ll continue to post about coding in the Microsoft tools stack, here. I’ll also continue to post about coding-community related events and goings on in the “Greater 603” area (which may also cover events I’m attending or presenting at… and by that definition, “Greater 603” as a region may cover all of North America at some point or another.)
Here’s the direct link: