Tech in the 603, The Granite State Hacker

GSSPUG Hub (Free App) for Windows Phone Now Available

My “artisan portfolio” of Windows Phone apps just DOUBLED in size!  Yes, I’ve now successfully published my second Windows Phone app.  🙂

The Granite State SharePoint Users Group Hub is a somewhat minimal app, but if you’re a member of the group, it’s got some useful features.   My favorites are being able to get info about the next meeting, (both in the app, and as a live tile) and being able to RSVP through EventBright.

The direct link to find it in the Marketplace on your Windows Phone is this.

Regarding the name…  GSSPUG?  Ya, I know… it’s not quite as intuitive as NHSPUG…    

If you’re from New Hampshire, you know you search for “Granite State” any time you’re looking for something local…  and if you don’t know that, it probably is just as well you don’t find it.  😉

One other nice thing is that the content is largely driven from the group’s web site, which, of course, is a SharePoint site.   The app does require a network connection, but it can be updated without having to go through the week-long process of publishing an update. 

Like Jimmy Sudoku, the app uses your phone’s system wide theme colors.

Essentially this is what ends up in the Hub app.

And it appears like so:

Tech in the 603, The Granite State Hacker

SharePoint Saturday NH

I’m psyched to be a part of the founding and building of SharePoint Saturday for New Hampshire. It’s a part of the Granite State SharePoint Users Group (follow twitter @NHSharePointUG ) or check us out on Linked-IN.

Stay tuned for more info…. lots of exciting stuff happening for the SharePoint community in NH.

Edit: May have jumped the gun on this a bit… the site may not be publicly accessible… yet. I’ll update this post when it’s made public.

Tech in the 603, The Granite State Hacker

WORKAROUND: Misconfigured Windows-Integrated Authentication for Web Services

In trying to drive a process from a SharePoint list, I ran across a problem…

I couldn’t create a web reference in my C# project due to some really weird problem… In the “Add web reference” wizard, I entered my URL, and was surprised by a pop-up titled “Discovery Credential”, asking me for credentials for the site.

Since I was on the local domain and had “owner” permissions to the site, I thought I would just waltz in and get the WSDL.

Ok, so it wants creds… I gave it my own.


After a few attempts and access denied errors, I hit Cancel, and was rewarded by, of all things, the WSDL display… but I still couldn’t add the reference.

After quite a bit of wrestling, it turns out there was an authentication provider configuration problem. The site was configured to use Kerberos authentication, but the active directory configuration was not set up correctly. (I believe it needed someone to use SetSPN to update the Service Principal Name (SPN) for the service.)

One way to resolve the problem was to set the authentication provider to NTLM, but in my case, I didn’t have, (and wasn’t likely to get) that configuration changed in the site (a SharePoint Web Application) I really needed access to.

In order to make it work, I had to initially create my reference to a similar, accessible site.

(e.g. http://host/sites/myaccessiblesite/_vti_bin/lists.asmx )

Then, I had to initialize the service as such, in code:

private void InitWebService()





SmokeTestSite.Lists workingLists = new SmokeTest.SmokeTestSite.Lists();

workingLists.Url = "http://host/sites/mybrokensite/_vti_bin/lists.asmx";

workingLists.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

workingLists.Proxy = null;

lists = workingLists;

What this accomplishes is it unregisters all authentication managers in your application domain. (This can only be done once in the same app domain. Attempts to unregister the same manager more than once while the program’s running will throw an exception.)

So by having all the other authentication managers disabled in the client, the server would negotiate and agree on Ntlm authentication, which succeeds.

Tech in the 603, The Granite State Hacker

Reading SharePoint Lists into an ADO.Net DataTable

[Feb 18, 2009: I’ve posted an update to show the newer technique suggested below by Kirk Evans, also compensating for some column naming issues.]

The other day, I needed to write some code that processed data from a SharePoint list. The list was hosted on a remote MOSS 2007 server.

Given more time, I’d have gone digging for an ADO.NET adapter, but I found some code that helped. Unfortunately, the code I found didn’t quite seem to work for my needs. Out of the box, the code missed several columns for no apparent reason.

Here’s my tweak to the solution:

(The ListWebService points to a web service like http://SiteHost/SiteParent/Site/_vti_bin/lists.asmx?WSDL )

private data.DataTable GetDataTableFromWSS(string listName)


ListWebService.Lists lists = new ListWebService.Lists();

lists.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

lists.Proxy = null;

//you have to pass the List Name here

XmlNode ListCollectionNode = lists.GetListCollection();

XmlElement List = (XmlElement)ListCollectionNode.SelectSingleNode(String.Format(“wss:List[@Title='{0}’]”, listName), NameSpaceMgr);

if (List == null)


throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(“The list ‘{0}’ could not be found in the site ‘{1}'”, listName, lists.Url));


string TechListName = List.GetAttribute(“Name”);

data.DataTable result = new data.DataTable(“list”);

XmlNode ListInfoNode = lists.GetList(TechListName);

System.Text.StringBuilder fieldRefs = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

System.Collections.Hashtable DisplayNames = new System.Collections.Hashtable();

foreach (XmlElement Field in ListInfoNode.SelectNodes(“wss:Fields/wss:Field”, NameSpaceMgr))


string FieldName = Field.GetAttribute(“Name”);

string FieldDisplayName = Field.GetAttribute(“DisplayName”);

if (result.Columns.Contains(FieldDisplayName))


FieldDisplayName = FieldDisplayName + ” (“ + FieldName + “)”;


result.Columns.Add(FieldDisplayName, TypeFromField(Field));

fieldRefs.AppendFormat(“”, FieldName);

DisplayNames.Add(FieldDisplayName, FieldName);


result.Columns.Add(“XmlElement”, typeof(XmlElement));

XmlElement fields = ListInfoNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(“ViewFields”);

fields.InnerXml = fieldRefs.ToString();

XmlNode ItemsNode = lists.GetListItems(TechListName, null, null, fields, “10000”, null, null);

// Lookup fields always start with the numeric ID, then ;# and then the string representation.

// We are normally only interested in the name, so we strip the ID.

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex CheckLookup = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(“^\\d+;#”);

foreach (XmlElement Item in ItemsNode.SelectNodes(“rs:data/z:row”, NameSpaceMgr))


data.DataRow newRow = result.NewRow();

foreach (data.DataColumn col in result.Columns)


if (Item.HasAttribute(“ows_” + (string)DisplayNames[col.ColumnName]))


string val = Item.GetAttribute(“ows_” + (string)DisplayNames[col.ColumnName]);

if (CheckLookup.IsMatch((string)val))


string valString = val as String;

val = valString.Substring(valString.IndexOf(“#”) + 1);


// Assigning a string to a field that expects numbers or

// datetime values will implicitly convert them

newRow[col] = val;



newRow[“XmlElement”] = Item;



return result;


// The following Function is used to Get Namespaces

private static XmlNamespaceManager _nsmgr;

private static XmlNamespaceManager NameSpaceMgr




if (_nsmgr == null)


_nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());

_nsmgr.AddNamespace(“wss”, “”);

_nsmgr.AddNamespace(“s”, “uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882”);

_nsmgr.AddNamespace(“dt”, “uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882”);

_nsmgr.AddNamespace(“rs”, “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset”);

_nsmgr.AddNamespace(“z”, “#RowsetSchema”);


return _nsmgr;



private Type TypeFromField(XmlElement field)


switch (field.GetAttribute(“Type”))


case “DateTime”:

return typeof(DateTime);

case “Integer”:

return typeof(int);

case “Number”:

return typeof(float);


return typeof(string);

