Tech in the 603, The Granite State Hacker

Winds of Change

If you hadn’t heard yet, Jornata merged with BlueMetal.  As part of the merger, BlueMetal organized a session of “BlueMetal Academy” to help transition the team.  In spirit of a true merger, Jornata members participated as trainers, as well, showing that Jornata’s culture is really being assimilated, not purged.  (The merger is a solid marriage, rather than simple annexing of resources, both sides bring common values but distinct strength to the partnership). 

At the end of the training, we were asked to come up with one word to reflect what we’d learned over the course of it.  Just one…  on a moment’s notice.  Responses were things like “Integrity”, “Consistency”, “Connection”, “Inspiration”, “Committed”, “Legit” and a few other words of similarly positive connotation.

I had the advantage of being among the last in line to respond, so I considered each of them as they were spoken.   In my head, I responded to each word as it was spoken.  “Yes”, “True”, “Good one”… those all fit.  “What says all of that?”, I thought.  Digging deep, I could only think of one word that conveyed all those qualities… everything we learned.  there’s only one word that says it all, and I didn’t say it to play Captain Obvious…  “BlueMetal”  

Ok…  the cool-aid is either totally Stepford, or totally legit.

Given my experience with BlueMetal teammates in both the SharePoint AND Windows Phone Dev communities, before I ever had the opportunity to join… it’s not Stepford.

That said, I think the expected answer was “Mahan”, as in Mahan Khalsa, author of “Helping Clients Succeed” which plays an over-arching theme across the company.  Someone may have even said that, but I didn’t catch it. I still like my original answer.

This past spring I joined Jornata, mostly to shake up my career.  Jornata was/is a fantastic team to be a part of in its own right.  My prior experience with them in the SharePoint community was also first rate. 

I might have pursued a job at BlueMetal years ago on my own were it not for the daunting commute.

The winds of change clearly had more in store.

Now, I find myself thinking that BlueMetal really looks like the company I always had in mind to work for when I was teaching myself programming as a kid.. and I mean everything..  from its respected thought leaders to its community involvement to its extremely purposeful corporate structure…  being employee-owned…  I realize this team is top to bottom, front to back, enterprise ready, industrial strength, yet premium consumer quality… and they have my back. It will be my honor to have this team’s back.

I’m very much looking forward to settling into the new team, and really looking forward to digging in on a nice juicy app development project.  Duty to the customer has pulled me quite a bit toward infrastructure build outs… Being successful at those things has had the curse of being asked to do more of it. The further away from C# I get, the further I am from my true passion & real value add, and that doesn’t really cut it for me or my team, longer term.

so…  the commute sucks… but if that’s all I can think of to “complain” about…  I guess that’s what it takes to be “The Granite State Hacker”, for keeps.  (I’ll secretly blame NH politicians for making it so hard to find a sufficiently legit tech offices in NH, and work at home every chance I get.)

This marks a new chapter for my career, without a doubt, and I’m sure I’ll be inspired to blog deeper than what had become all too common Microsoft cheerleading posts.  (Now I can be a BlueMetal cheerleader, too!   ok…  I’ll try to refrain from geeking out about my team too much.) 

Tech in the 603, The Granite State Hacker

Choen the counterBot

I’m pretty excited… both my kids seem interested in computers and what you can do with them. My daughter, especially, is very interested in learning bits and pieces about programming. My son is interested, but not so much in the nuts & bolts of programming. He is interested in numbers and performance, though. They’re both young, though… he’s in 1st grade, and she’s in 2nd.

She’s expressed some interest in programming before. Last time we talked about application design… she got extremely ambitious and drew about twenty pages of “designs” (hand-drawn mock-ups of screens) for games that she wanted to create. (Essentially knock-offs of games she’s played on favorite websites like PBS Kids and Pixie Hollow.)

More recently, she was using my computer, and discovered that when she’s logged into my computer on her account, she has access to Visual Studio Express. When she asked what it was, I told her it was tools to write programs, and she just lit up. Immediately, she wanted to start working on a simple UI that mimics a math program she uses at school.

I started to realize, however, that she needs to learn more of the basics before we dive into a full fledged user interface. I started to think about some of the earliest programs I learned to write.

Back when I was in 4th grade, I got my hands on an Apple II, and one of the first programs I learned to write on it was a program that accepted two numbers (start and finish) and simply scrolled out a count between them.

Nowadays, we have object oriented programming, and C#, but I wanted to try to keep it simple and understandable for her. I decided that we would create a “counter-bot” class, and we would create an instance of it named whatever she wanted it to be named (She decided on Choen (pronounced more like Cohen)).

Today, we got the basics of the counterBot class written, and wrote a short program to create an instance of it, initialize it, and start counting, sending the numbers out to the screen. A countBot has beginAt, finishAt, countBy properties, and Start, Count, GetCurrentNumber and isFinished commands.

Here’s the code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Choen_the_counterBot
class counterBot
public int beginAt;
public int finishAt;
public int countBy = 1;
private int currentNumber;

public void Start()
currentNumber = beginAt;

public int GetCurrentNumber()
return currentNumber;

public void Count()
currentNumber = currentNumber + countBy;

public bool isFinished()
bool result=false;
if (currentNumber > finishAt)
result = true;
return result;



and here’s the console Main method in program.cs:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Choen_the_counterBot
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
counterBot Choen = new counterBot();
Choen.beginAt = 0;
Choen.finishAt = 2000000;

DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

while (!Choen.isFinished())

Console.WriteLine("Finished counting from "
+ Choen.beginAt.ToString()
+ " to "
+ Choen.finishAt.ToString()
+ " by "
+ Choen.countBy
+ "'s in "
+ (DateTime.Now - startTime)
+ " seconds!");



I got a bit fancy and added the timer code to see how long it took. Together, my son, daughter, and I watched Choen the counterBot count out various scenarios, and got as ambitious as watching it count from zero to two million. In order to get my son’s interest, I added the timer to see how long it took. We discovered that my computer can count from zero to two million, “out loud” (showing the numbers on the screen) in 52 seconds. If we hid the console writes, it could do it in less than a second.

Next time we play with it, we’ll write a graphic UI (a windows form) and hook Choen the counter bot up to it.